High School Students

Every September, we recruit new students to join us for the upcoming season. The application form will be linked here next September. 

The ASTECHZ meet once per week during the Pre-Season (September – December) and three times per week during Build Season (January – February). We attend a minimum of two Ontario District Events (March – April), as well as the Ontario Provincial Championships in Mississauga and FIRST World Championships in Detroit, if we qualify.

Participating on The ASTECHZ will give you the opportunity to learn many valuable technical and non-technical skills such as programming, manufacturing, public speaking, time management and much more. As a Team Member, you will participate on one of the sub-teams. These include Controls (programming and electronics), Fabrication, Design, and Business. It is a great opportunity for students in grades 9-12 to have fun while gaining valuable hands-on experience and life skills.

Adult Mentors

FIRST Isn’t just for students! Are you an adult interested in robotics, computer aided design, manufacturing, programming, control systems, business, or marketing? Team 2994 can only succeed thanks to the support from our dedicated mentors and volunteers. If you are interested in mentoring FRC Team 2994, The ASTECHZ, please contact us at info@team2994.ca.

According to FIRST Canada, a mentor is:

  • Is a person of any age, teaching others what they know
  • Can get involved in any FIRST program available
  • Brings either technical or non technical expertise to the team
  • Provides the opportunity for students to learn directly through experiences
  • Begins as a teacher, evolves into a colleague
  • Knows that Mentoring and Coaching is about inspiring and guiding
  • Provides students the environment to succeed
  • Is patient, supportive, enthusiastic, compassionate and available
  • Remembers what’s important – it’s about the kids and they come first