Destination: Deep Space – Presented by Boeing


Each alliance is working to collect samples on the Planet Primus. Due to the unpredictable terrain and weather patterns, remote robot operation is essential to the success of their mission on the planet. With only two and a half minutes until lift off, alliances work to gather as many Cargo pods as possible and prepare their spaceships to launch before the next Sandstorm comes sweeping across the planet. 

Sandstorm Period

A sandstorm sweeps across the planet and robots deploy from the Habitat (HAB) to start preparing Rockets and Cargo Ships with Hatch Panels to ensure that when Cargo pods are stored into the Rockets and Cargo Ships they will not fall upon the terrain of Primus.

Teleoperated Period

Once the sandstorm dies down, drivers regain visibility and continue to prepare for lift-off. They gain points by continuing to prepare Rockets and Cargo Ships with Hatch Panels, loading more Cargo Pods, and returning to the Alliance’s HAB to ensure the safety of the robots at lift-off. 

Competitions Attended

Durham College District Event

We finished the qualification rounds in 15th place, with 6 wins and 6 losses. We were then chosen by the 5th alliance, and made it into the semi-finals. We also won the safety award, which was a very exciting way to end our first competition of the season.

North Bay District Event

We finished the qualification rounds in 7th place, although throughout the majority of the competition we were in 1st or 2nd place. We were once again chosen by the 5th alliance, and we made it to the quarterfinals. At the second competition of the season we won both the safety award and the quality award, making us one of two teams at the time to win the safety award at both of the district events that we attended.

Ontario Provincial Championship – Science Division

We finished qualification rounds in 33rd place, and were fortunately chosen by the second alliance. Along with out alliance partners 188 and 1325, we competed all the way to the finals, where we last against the first place – and ultimately the winner the entire event – alliance. This, along with being awarded the Provincial Safety award, sent us all the way to the World Championships in Detroit.

FIRST Championship – Detroit, Daly Subdivision

We finished qualification rounds in 33th place, and were chosen for the seventh alliance. After 4 nail-biting quarter final matches, we beat the second alliance and made it to the semi-finals, where we competed with HABfield for the last time.

Robot Specs

  • Name : HABfield
  • Drive : Modified West Coast Style Drive
  • Wheels : West Coast
  • Weight : 107 lbs
  • Dimensions : 36 x 34 x 35
  • Features :
    • Can drive off level 2 of the Habitation during Sandstorm
    • Can Climb to level 2 and 3
    • Level 1 Hatch and Cargo delivery to Rocket and Cargo Ship
    • Can place 8+ pieces of Cargo per match
    • Can place 8+ Hatches per match
    • Sandstorm Heads up display (camera)


Power Up


Each alliance is composed of video game characters and their human operators who are trapped in an arcade game. Both alliances are working to defeat the boss in order to escape.

Autonomous Period

The video game characters cross the Auto Line and place Power Cubes on Switches and the Scale to gain control of these constructs to score points for how many seconds the alliance holds control of their Switch and the Scale.

Teleoperated Period

Once the Autonomous Period is done, drivers and permitted to begin controlling their video game characters. Alliances work together to continue to control their Switch and the Scale by placing Power Cubes onto each of these constructs. Alliances can also decide to trade in their Power Cubes for Power Ups. In the last thirty seconds, video game characters scramble over to Scale to ascend it and Face the Boss to escape from the arcade.

Competitions Attended

Durham College District Event

We finished the qualification rounds in 15th place, with 6 wins and 6 losses. We were then chosen by the 5th alliance, where we made it to the quarterfinals. We did not win any awards at this competition. 

North Bay District Event

We finished the qualification rounds in 8th place, with 8 winds and 4 losses. We were chosen by the 6th alliance, and made it to the quarterfinals. We did not win any awards at this competition. 




In a time where steam power reigns, FIRST invites two adventurers’ clubs to prepare their airships for a long distance race. Each alliance prepares for their departure by building steam pressure, starting rotors, and preparing for flight. 

Autonomous Period

Robots work independently from their drivers to cross the baseline, build pressure by scoring fuel in their boilers via high and low efficiency goals and start rotors by delivering gears onto their airship for installation.

Teleoperated Period

Drivers take control of their robots for the next period of time to continue building steam pressure and starting their rotors. Once the airship is ready to launch at the end of the match, robots must latch onto it by ascending their ropes to signal that they are ready for takeoff.

Competitions Attended

Durham College District Event

We finished qualification rounds in 10th place, with 7 wins and 5 losses. We were picked by the 6th alliance, where we made it to the missed going through to the semifinals through a tie breaker. We did not win any awards at this competition.  

Georgian College District Event

We finished qualification rounds in 10th place, with 7 wins, 1 tie, and 4 losses. We were then picked by the 7th alliance, were we made it to the quarterfinals and missed going onto the semifinals through a tiebreaker. We won the Safety Award at this competition.    

Fall Fiesta

An offseason event, we finished the qualification rounds in 22nd place, with 2 wins, 1 tie, and 3 losses. We were picked by the 6th alliance, where we made it onto the quarterfinals where we missed going to the semifinals by cause of a tiebreaker.  


FIRST Stronghold


Alliance compete against each other to breach their opponents’ defenses, and capture their tower. Teams can score points by crossing elements of their opponents’ outer works, scoring boulders in their opponents’ tower goals, and surrounding and scaling their opponents’ tower itself.

Autonomous Period

During the first 15 seconds of the match, robots operate independently of human control. During this period the robots work to cross opposing defenses and score in the opposing tower.

Teleoperated Period

After the first 15 seconds, drivers step up to control their robot. Team on each alliance work together to continue to cross defenses, weaken the opposing tower by scoring boulders, and finally surround, scale, and capture the opposing alliance’s tower.

Competitions Attended

STEMley Cup Championship

A postseason competition, we finished qualification rounds in 4th place, with 6 wins and one loss. We were picked by the 3rd alliance, and went on to place 2 matches in the quarterfinals. We did not win any awards at this competition. 


Recycle Rush


Teams work alongside their alliance members to score points by stacking Totes on Scoring Platforms, capping those stacks with Recycling Containers, and properly disposing of Litter in the specified areas.

Autonomous Period

Robots work independently of their drivers to move themselves, as well as their Yellow Totes, and their Recycling Containers into the area between the scoring platforms.

Teleoperated Period

Drivers step up to control their robots for the text two minutes and fifteen seconds. Alliances work to place Totes on their Scoring Platforms. Alliances earn additional points for Recycling Containers placed on the scored Totes, with Recycling Containers at greater heights earning more points. They can also score points for disposing their Litter in either their Landfill Zone or placing it on scored Recycling Containers.

Competitions Attended

Greater Toronto Central Regional

We finished qualification rounds in 42nd place, with 4 wins and 6 losses. We were chosen by the 2th alliance, where we made it to the finals – thus securing our spot in the World Championships later on this year.

North Bay Regional

We finished qualification rounds in 25th place, with 4 wins and 7 losses. We were not chosen for by an alliance, however we did win the FIRST Dean’s List Finalist Award for Sam McCraken.

World Championships – Curie Subdivision

We finished qualification rounds in 28th place, with 6 wins and 4 losses. We were not chosen for by an alliance, however we were very proud of our success this season.


Aerial Assist


Each alliance works to score as many balls in goals as possible for the duration of the match.

Autonomous Period

For the first ten seconds of the match, the robots operate independently of the driver. The robots try to score points in their goals. Additionally, each high/low pair of goals will be designated “hot” for five seconds, however the order of which side is first is randomized. For each ball scored in a “hot” zone, the alliance will earn additional points.

Teleoperated Period

Driver gain control over their robots, and once all balls in autonomous have been scored, only one ball is re-entered into play and so the alliances must cycle a single ball as many times as possible for the remainder of the match. With a single ball, each alliance tries to maximize their points earned by throwing balls over the truss, catching balls launched over the truss, and scoring in the high and low goals on the far side of the field.

Competitions Attended

Greater Toronto East Regional

We finished qualification rounds in 33rd, with 4 wins and 6 losses. We were picked by the 8th alliance, and made it to the quarterfinals. We did not win any awards at this competition.

North Bay Regional

We finished qualification rounds in 19th place, with 5 wins and 5 losses. We were picked by the 8th alliance, where we made it to a tiebreaker match for the quarterfinals, where we eventually lost. We did not win any awards at this competition.

Western Canadian Regional

We finished qualification rounds in 6th place, with 8 wins and 5 losses. We were picked by the 8th alliance where we made it to the semifinals. We won the Woodie Flowers Finalist Award for Paul McDonough, FIRST Dean’s List Finalist for Gabreille Genereux, as well as the Quality Award.

Rha Cha Cha Ruckus

A postseason game, we finished qualification rounds with 2 wins and 5 losses. We were picked by the 5th alliance where we won the quarterfinals match through a tiebreaker.


Ultimate Ascent


Each alliance works to score as many discs into their goals as they can during the match.

Autonomous Period

Robots work independently of driver inputs to score discs into the goals.

Teleoperated Period

Drivers gain control of their robots during this period and continue to work towards scoring the most amount of points by scoring discs in goals. At the end of the match, robots can attempt to climb the pyramids located near the middle of the field.

Competitions Attended

Greater Toronto East Regional

We finished qualification rounds in 17th place, with 5 wins and 7 losses. We were chosen by the 5th alliance, where we made it to the semi-finals. We were awarded the Team Spirit Award.

Greater Toronto West Regional

We finished the qualification rounds in 25th place, with 5 wins and 6 losses. We were then chosen by the 5th alliance, where we made it to the semi-finals. We were awarded the Quality Award.


Rebound Rumble


Alliances work to shoot and score basketballs into hoops on the field.

Autonomous Period

Robots move without driver input and try to score points.

Teleoperated Period

Drivers take control of their robot and continue to shoot the game pieces to score points. At the end of the match, robots can balance on bridges to gain bonus points.

Competitions Attended

Greater Toronto East Regional

We finished qualification rounds in 32nd place, with 5 wins and five losses. We were not picked for an alliance, nor did we win any awards.




Alliances compete to hang as many inflated plastic shapes on their grids to score points during the match. The higher the teams hang their game pieces on their scoring grid, the more points their alliance receives.

Autonomous Period

During this part of the match, robots operate independently of driver inputs and must hang Ubertubes to score extra points.

Teleoperated Period

For the rest of the match, driver control their robots and try to maximize their alliance’s score by hanging as many logo pieces as possible. Any logo piece hung on the same peg as an Ubertube receives double points. If teams assemble the logo pieces on their scoring grids to form the FIRST logo, the points for the entire row are doubled. As the match ends, the larger robots deploy minibots who will then race to the top of the pole to trigger a sensor and earn additional bonus points.

Competitions Attended

Finger Lakes Regional

We finished qualification rounds in 19th place, with 5 wins and 5 losses. We were not picked for an alliance.




Alliances compete to score points by shooting Balls into a Goal, climbing on the Alliance Tower or Platform, or by lifting and Alliance Robot off the Playing Surface.

Autonomous Period

Robots are moved without driver input to achieve the aforementioned tasks.

Teleoperated Period

Drivers take control of their robots to continue the match.

Competitions Attended

Greater Toronto Regional

We finished qualification rounds in 51st place, with 3 wins, 2 ties, and 5 losses. We were not chosen for an alliance, nor did we win any awards at this competition.




The alliance’s compete against each other to score more points through placing Game Pieces in the Trailers itched to the opposing Alliance’s Robots.

Autonomous Period

Robots move without the use of driver input, and try to score points.

Teleoperated Period

Drivers gain control over the robot and continue to score points to try and win the match.

Competitions Attended

Greater Toronto Regional

We finished qualification rounds in 52nd place, with 2 wins and 6 losses in our rookie year. We were not picked by an alliance, nor did we win any awards.